iPhone OS 4 – My thoughts

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As many of you I can’t move more than 10 feet away from my iPhone and when I don’t see it for more than 1/2 hour I start sweating and get some kind of rash. No, it’s not that bad. But I do like my iPhone. It is great productivity tool and excellent tool for reading news, staying in touch with your friends etc. Wherever you are – doctor’s office, bus, washroom …

I recently upgraded to latest OS version 4. People warned me but I just like fresh crispy releases at no matter what the cost is. So far I don’t regret it. Here are some of the reasons why I like it so far.

No more jumping between 7 mailboxes. All mail is now nicely consolidated in one mailbox called ‘All Inboxes’. Sweet.However opening email is slower. I am not sure it if is because of overall ‘being slower’ or because of added features.

It is slower. Loading applications, getting email. Overall, it is slower. Sometime after I slide little button to open it up and enter the pass code it takes close to a minute until I am able to enter the pass code.

Announcement: www.plentyofevents.com

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Web development is something that alway fascinated me. Sharing results of your work with millions of people (ideally)? Can’t beat that. And using one of the most productive frameworks like Django it gets even better. I was working with Django for last year part time at work. Every time I was learning some new feature I was just writing dummy code. Then I realized: “I should start working on one site and learn it while building it”. But what kind if web site? Something useful. It there will be 100 people using it in a single day I would consider it a success.

And so I came up with the idea of www.plentyofevents.com. Website where you can discover, promote and share events with other people. I do not discriminate. Any type of event – free lessons, charity walks, sales events even garage sale if you want to. The idea is that when you wake up on one of these days and don’t know what to do – go to www.plentyofevents.com. How do I make money? I don’t and I don’t care at this point. Doesn’t cost me that much to host the website. I just want to help people to better spend their weekends. We have two kids ourselves and I know how bad we sometimes feel when we see pictures from local newspapers from some of the events that we didn’t have clue about. Currently there are events for major Canadian cities (Vancouver, Toronto, Calgary, Victoria, Ottawa, Montreal ) only. However, you can enter events for any US or Canadian city if you want to. And give some feedback to make www.plentyofevents.com very pleasant user experience.

psycopg2 in virtualenv on OS X

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If there is anybody out there that succeeded to get psycopg2 working in Django on OS X – let me know. I spent hours reinstalling, installing from source and not luck. I know there is tons of posts, none of them works for me.


I tried it all – install postgres from source, run python in 32 bit mode, reinstall everything … I don’t want to use macports and fink.

Using OS X for Django development is sometimes pain …

I gave up and installed psycopg2 and posgres using macports. Save yourself some pain and use macports.